"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Friday, October 9, 2009


(A long time ago a very wise man offered me his truths in life. Despite the burdens he bore, he often quoted Voltaire, saying, “All is for the best in this best of all possible worlds.” I was quite young then, and cloaked in protective cynicism, so I did not believe. But I listened, ever so carefully, and I remembered. Almost five decades later, this is for that very wise man.)

I have learned...

I have learned to stop, go back...

...look again.

I have learned life has unexpected turns, turns that often come full circle.

I have learned life has many facets, many layers, and nothing is as it seems on the surface.

I have learned that while I may not see the full picture, it is always there.

I have learned footprints might have impact beyond their dimensions.

I have learned there is poetry in all things.

... poetry in age.

...poetry in contrast.

I have learned that while even the most combustible of passions…

…might fade to memories…

… within the passion and the memories, there lives poetry.

I have learned there is truth in poetry…

I have learned that "all is for the best, in this best of all possible worlds,"

....and that sometimes the best vision is in the rear view mirror.


  1. The lessons we learn as we live each day can be never-ending, that is, if we're open to learning.

    We'll never know the answers to all our whys and hows but that's fine. Life is mysterious and grand because we've no guidebooks and each of us must take his own path.

  2. This little grasshopper needed that wisdom. Gorgeous melding of words and photos.

  3. Wonderful reflections, Jeanne.
    Love your posts...
