"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Alive and Kicking


Suddenly, with no aforethought, I signed up to go to Africa on a photo safari, leaving the end of this month. 

The FOMO was more than I could stand when my photo buddies went last month.   So, right now I'm busy getting the photo and computer gear in order.    That takes up the rest of the month.

Packing my clothing takes about an hour, including trying them on to see if they fit.

May be an image of 1 person, outdoors and text that says 'I'm stuck between I I need to save money you only live once &'


But what about my peanuts?

Not to worry, Squirrel.    Julie has instructions on feeding you peanuts.


  1. WOW and WHOOPIE Jeanne .. yet another "adventure to be" on your calendar!! Yep, we only live once and we have to grab the golden rings as they fly by!! Happy getting the camera and computer gear ready for the trip. We are NOT surprised that these plans have jelled suddenly!! Smiling and cheering .. Patti and Cap

  2. We vote overwhelmingly to support your going .. You Only Live Once .. Cap and Patti

  3. For your other readers .. FOMO .. Means .. Fear Of Missing Out .. Smiles and Hugs .. Cap and Patti

  4. Yes you are alive and kicking. I take this as a sign that all is well with the universe. What larks!

    1. So good to hear from you, Ann. Hope all is well with you.
