"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

There She Goes Again

 Hello, All.

I am leaving soon for a trip to Brazil to photograph whatever animals and birds I can find.   I'll be with friends and an experienced guide, so don't be concerned that I might get myself into a big mess.

See you in mid-October, after the jet lag wears off.   We will be at remote lodges where Wi-Fi is iffy, but if there's any chance of reliable uploading, I'll try to stay in touch.

Gullible, off on her travels again


  1. Off you go, into the Wild Blue Yonder! Sometimes Gullible, even with friends and an experienced guide, big messes happen through no fault of your own. Along with all of your followers, we are very happy for you Gullible and hope that you have one great trip and overall experience. Cap and Patti

  2. Sometimes BIG MESSES are the best part of the adventure! Then again, sometimes not. All we can do is strive to have the most enjoyable times ever.

  3. And sometimes those BIG Messes are the most wonderful fodder for stories.

  4. Have a GREAT trip, my friend! Be safe! Do as much as you can for as long as you can....and, sometimes, push the limits!
    We all look forward to the stories when you return!!! Cheers n love....Clyde
