"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Thursday, October 12, 2023

I'm Back, plus a message to Clyde

 Yes, I am back from the Pantanal of Brazil, safe and as sound as can be expected.   I have a cold, saddle sores, and seven or eight brand new insect bites from my last night in Brazil.

I also have somewhere between 8,000 and 15,000 photos to download and edit.   That process is going on right now, though my software is giving me the cold shoulder about getting on with the getting on.   I suspect every program on my computer is updating and slowing everything down.

Clyde, I am sure you will be disappointed that the first snowfall did not land exactly on your birthday, but two days early.  Nonetheless, I hope you have a great celebration and here are lots and lots of hugs.

Everything will be explained in due time--the saddle sores, the bug bites, the photos, etc.   Right now, my body its calling for a nap, so it's off to bed for a while.

Stay Tuned.


  1. We will definitely stay tuned as always, and are eager to hear about your adventures, patiently knowing it is important for you to rest up and catch up with life on the home front! We are grateful you are safely home. Hugs, Patti and Cap

  2. Welcome home!!!! I'm glad you're safe, even if not overly comfortable! Rest and heal quickly! Thanks for the birthday hugs! We
    headed home from St. George, Utah on Oct 2nd. There was snow on the mountains and we laughed about "termination dust!" But I always think snow on my birthday, and you are amazing to remember every year! Thanks! I'm excited to be as old as you are....if only for the month! Cheers n love, Clyde
