(NOTE: double-clicking on each photo will enlarge it to full screen.)
In this microcosm that is Tern Lake, there exist predators and prey. Sometimes it is difficult to know which are the predators....and which are the prey.
This is a seagull, guarding its nest. It wants only to feed and protect its young.
This is an Arctic Tern. It wants only to feed and protect its young. It flies ceaselessly, hunting for the small fish that live in the lake. With incredible flying skills, the tern spots its prey, hovers, plunges headfirst in the water, and lifts off with the fish captured in the tern's long sharp bill.
This tern takes great exception to a seagull nesting too close to its own, and tries to drive it away. The gull refuses to leave its chicks unprotected.
As do these two terns.
The adult tern has brought a small fish to the baby tern, and a yellowlegs sandpiper breaks off its search for small invertebrates and rushes over, probably hoping to find scraps.
The male acts as a decoy and as the young loons dive for safety he will go to endless tricks to lure a predator away from the female and the two young. Here it has "walked on water" for a second or two as a threat ("Look how big I am!") towards an intruder, and is lowering its body to the surface.
High in a cottonwood tree, a bald eagle guards the nest while its partner searches for food to feed their young. Eaglets will not fledge until August.
The loons spot it first and sound the alarm. Then the gulls rise into the air, screeching and squawking. The terns join in, chipping and chirring, and soon the entire squardron of gulls and terns join forces to drive the predator away.
They do not relax their vigil, however, because the eagle returns often, swooping low to snatch a young bird or an adult. The predator's strong, sharp talons can lift a thrashing salmon from the water and fly away with it. It, too, has young to feed.
The terns return to their endless hunt for small fish. The loons fish also. And the gulls? Other than begging for food in the parking pullout, I don't know what they feed their young. They are not above snatching another's chicks, though.
Slowly the lake quiets, and the hunt for food continues. So, which are the predators and which are the prey?
Will we be graded on our answers?
ReplyDeleteAll of these winged-creatures are both the prey and the predators; that's my final answer.
People pay big bucks to go to the movies for adventure. You take your kayak in your truck to a nearby lake and are entertained in countless ways that money can't buy.
And then you very generously treat us to the same.
Thank you for that.