"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Monday, December 25, 2023

A Longer Interlude than Expected

 The interlude lasted longer than expected for a couple reasons, the foremost being a huge dump of snow that knocked out electricity to this valley--but only in one small area that included me.

We had 8 to ten inches of snow Friday, then 16 inches Saturday.  I think.  I am getting the days mixed up.I have never seen this much snow so early in the winter.  Seven feet?  Eight feet?  Who knows anymore.  There are giant piles in my yards and I think I'll open a ski resort.

Anyway, no electricity all Christmas Eve day and no electricity Christmas Day until about 8 PM.  In addition, the temperature started going down today and it's already minus 6 F., but at least the things that keep other things from freezing are working now.

That's a big WHEW!

Now it's time to recover and get back to the Brazil Journals.  Haven't been able to work on them because there's no computer, no Internet, no nothing when there's no power.

I don't feel very Christmasy right now but I hope yours was wonderful and a darned sight more relaxing than mine.


  1. To Quote Charlie Brown and Snoopy! OH GOOD GRIEF GULLIBLE. Ask Patti, Ask me : Patti? Cap? Are you two happy that you opted to go to Arizona for the winter? Well, after all, you are younger than we are. Could it possibly be that just maybe we humans are causing all of these increasing weather and other planetary issues? Cap and Patti

  2. Leaving a condo for the winter is easy because there are immediate neighbors to report to the HOA if pipes freeze, etc. Leaving a home in a remote area is something else or I might be down there with you. Although this year is noteworthy in that we have had a great snowfall so far, it is not unheard of. When El Niño comes to town, anything can happen and he has been around for a long time, moving here and there as he likes. So who's to say?
