"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Thursday, August 8, 2024

DANGER! Hard Head Area (More of Cousins Construction Crew)

Site safety signs construction site for health and safety

The cousins had a few final things to do on the first set of stairs before they started on the second set.

This time, they worked like they'd been doing it for years and knew exactly what each step would entail.   The measurements weren't exactly identical to the first set, but close enough that they didn't have to have any  design conferences or write any change orders.

Breaks, though, yes.   This time they worked in the sun with the temperature around 80 degrees.   As any Alaskan will tell you, 80 degrees in Alaska feels a lot warmer than other places.

The reason is that the low attitude of the sun means that it shines on more of your body, thus increasing your perception of heat.

By the end of the day, the second set of stairs to the deck was almost complete.

And, then.    The biggest challenge.

These stairs had been here since 1979 and were in need of replacement.

And the trailer held the lumber to do it.  

First though, demolition.

Removing rotted treads and lower landing.

Bob is ripping off the old treads.   It was a difficult job.  He said he thought they were nailed with ring shank nails.  

They worked all day on this demo, but at least they were working in the shade.

Design conference.

Demolition completed, it was time to lay out the three stringers.

While Bob did the stringers, Bud constructed a fantastic lower landing.

(to be continued)


  1. At the risk of repeating our last comment, What.. A.. Project.. replacing the "steps" was Gullible! One amazing project. No change orders and no seriously changed conditions either. Just the sheer weight of the lumber steps was something else! Bud and Bob are "No Spring Chickens" either! Whewie. What an amazing crew "You Hired" tee hee! It is sure nice to see a new update.. Cap and Patti

  2. We enjoyed building these stairways. It was enjoyable working with my brother and having to figure out exactly how to get everything laid out and physically in place. It's not so easy lifting this heavy stuff with our creaky old and abused backs and shoulders. I think everything turned out fairly nice. I'm glad you put in a photo of the finished product first, it really shows the difference between the old and the new. I hope you and Julie are happy with everything. Note to Cap and Patti: You would think that, at my age, I would know better than to volunteer for a job like this. At least I was smart enough to volunteer my brother's help, too.

    1. I did not mean to include the new photo. It was supposed to be in The Big Reveal chapter.
