"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Sunday, June 16, 2024





 The old codgers are dragging this morning.   They, my cousins Bud and Bob, are here at my house building three sets of exterior stairs and they are stiff and sore from handling 4x12x12 foot lumber.


With the lumber well-advanced in the aging process, this set couldn't handle the deep snow load this past winter.

Even though still standing, the other set of stairs was in worse condition, they guys said.

Bud, left, and Bob carry a 4x12x10' stringer.

    Bud, from Wyoming, is 82, five months younger than me, and Bob, from Montana, is five years younger.


    I picked them up at the airport in Anchorage Friday noonish, took them right to the lumber store where we bought a bunch of fasteners for the project.   My neighbor Bruce Jaffa had already picked up my lumber order the week before and the trailer was parked in my yard, close to where the two stair sets are located.

All the lumber we need, I hope.


    I bought them lunch and we drove to Moose Pass.   Darned if they didn’t get started almost right away and worked several hours that first evening, well past their Mountain time zone bedtime.   Demo of one collapsed set took less than a half hour, and then they started laying out the stringers—4x12x10 foot each.

Demo complete and stringers laid out.


    Even with a delay caused by no one having a peculiar bit for the several dozens of weird 8” screws we bought, and a rain delay as a thunderstorm passed over, the first set of stairs was almost complete and useable by quitting time, which was very late.   They even got stringers laid out for the second set while I drove to Seward and got different screws that took a normal drill bit pattern.  They are doingthe finishing touches this morning.

Bob uses a monster saw on the timbers.

Corporate meeting to discuss design and the lack of union wages.

SO that's how they get screws into the underside of the bottom two treads.


Getting things into position.

The first trial.

Almost complete.

    But, as I said, Cousins Construction Crew is dragging today.    At breakfast we talked about how difficult it was for employers to find employees  these days and even more how rare it was to get kids to show up and on time.


    Then these two old men didn’t even get started today until 8:30!    Meanwhile, I need a nap.


  1. We will start with just one word .. AMAZING !!! With all you have going on there, it is AMAZING that you published this very fun and interesting Post. Just getting all of the supplies down to Moose Pass is AMAZING !!! A big Thank You to neighbor Bruce for his part!! Way to Go Gullible, and Wyoming Bud and Montana Bob and Neighbor Bruce !!! Way to go !!! AMAZING !!! Cap and Patti

    1. Two sets done. Starting on the third set today. Little bigger job butthe material isn't so heavy.

  2. Some in your community may just block the road out of town until Bud and Bob agree to do some paid projects there.. union wages!! They are an astonishing crew!! And, we thank them profusely for helping our Dear Friend Gullible!! Smiles and cheers, Patti and Cap Wf

    1. Perhaps I should wait until the job is done and they have darted for posting these updates!

  3. Amazing!! Does the cousins construction company want to come to Maui? We can supply rooms and food and 80 plus years assistance also. You name the dates

  4. Cousins Construction Company is still recovering from overworking our old bodies. I talked to Bob yesterday and he is still dragging, as am I. I also picked up something on the way home and ended up with a sore throat and a cold. I haven't done a thing since getting home. We enjoyed our trip and all the meals. Your hospitality was the best.
