"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Thursday, January 4, 2024

A Blooper in the Jaguar Generations

A Correction:


I feel the need to correct my last post.   I got the jaguar generations mixed up.


The grandmother jaguar is named Patricia and we did not see her until the next day.    She is the mother of Medrosa, who is the mother of Marcela.   Our guide Octavio calls Patricia the greatest mother of the region.


I will correct the actual post when I have time.


I know this doesn’t make any difference to you, but it does to me and is pertinent to events to come in a future post.   My next post will introduce you to Patricia.


What about Ti?   She is from another line of jaguars.


  1. Well, I finally got caught up with all your posts. Sorry I haven't made many comments, but all of your posts are great with beautiful photos and narrations. I just wish more people would comment to let you know that they appreciate your hard work.

    1. Thank you so much,Bud. I really DO appreciate the comments. Sometimes I feel like I'm all alone in the blogosphere.

  2. Well I for one can totally relate to you wanting to have things correct! Knowing no one else cares or remembers but WE CARE don't we Gullible! Cap and Patti
