"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Saturday, January 6, 2024

National Bird Day

 Yesterday, Jan. 5, was National Bird Day.   I discovered that too late to post photos for the day, so I am now going to show you some of my favorite bird photos.  

All of these photos were captured about a mile from my home, except for the Say's Phoebe.

I am still working on the next chapter of the Brazil Journals, and it's a doozy!

Saw What owl in nest box

Savannah Sparrow.

Trumpeter Swan

Common Mergansers

Belted Kingfisher

Frosty juvenile Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle defending his salmon from Black-billed Magpie.

Female Goldeneye

Mallard pair

Common Merganser

Horned puffins

Say's Phoebe

"The Thugs".  Scaup ducklings

"The Dreamer"

Trumpeter Swan in spring

Trumpeter Swan pair at Tern Lake

American Dipper singing in the rain.

Tree swallow that just fledged.   Not sure about this flying thing.


Sandpiper on lily pads.

Yellow-rumped warbler coming at me.


  1. Many stunning photos of your "neighborhood birds" but the one that took our breath away was the swan with its mirror image in the water.. WOW!! Catching our breaths and smiling with pleasure. Patti and Cap

  2. Beautiful photos, Jeanne. You are a very accomplished bird photographer.
