"I'm going to speak my mind because I have nothing to lose."--S.I. Hayakawa

Monday, September 1, 2008

Golly, gosh and gee.....

Zowie. I received an award. See that beauty over there on the left? "Brilliante Weblog Premio 2008." Dang! If that isn't something to look at.
Turns out, you can have one, too, if only someone will pass it on to you. See, it's kind of a nice virtual virus that bloggers pass around and bestow on their favorite blogs sites. Mine came from Beth at Switched at Birth. You'll see a link to her site over there on the left sidebar where my favorite blogs are listed. She'll tell you where it started.
One of the nicest things about this award is that it's "share-able." So, I'm awarding it to:
1. Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
2. Romantic Walk
3. Ms. Millie and friends
There are links over there in the same location as Beth's, if you want to check 'em out. A word of warning, though, and that's the same advice you get about not going to the grocery store if you're hungry. Don't go to the Pioneer Woman's site if you're hungry. And you better take care at Beth's site, too....have some celery and carrots to munch on.
Thanks, Beth. I shall cherish this award.


  1. Yep. Blogging is kind of like a virus, too. When I sneeze, somebody in Alaska says Gezundheit!

    Congratulations on your upcoming "stone" at A Handful of Stones and your story to be published this Thursday at the Elder Storytelling site (check it out on Friday, too . . .)

  2. Thank you so much for this award. I am honored, humbled and will pass it on. MsMillie also adds her congrats on your upcoming "stone" at A Handful of Stones. All I can say right now is WOW, Wow and More Wow. Fantastic.

  3. Thank you my friend, it is an honor to receive such an award. Congrats on your stories being published, I can't wait until Thursday.
